
Selecting the Right Architect for Your Project

You’ve decided to take the leap and build a new house or add onto or remodel your house and you need to hire an architect.

The criteria for making this decision should be price, quality, service and your comfort level with them….the “warm and fuzzy factor”. Most homeowners assume that all architects are somewhat equal, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Based on this false assumption, many homeowners will typically hire the least expensive architect which can be a fatal mistake.

There’s a wide range of talent among architect when it comes to design ability, construction knowledge and overall capability. No two architects work exactly the same way or charge the same fees, so be prepared to shop around, and talk with several to find the one that’s right for you. There are various levels of service that can be provided and many ways to establish fees.

A phone call may be your first step to begin the process. Once you’ve spoken to several and have narrowed it down, set up a meeting to meet in person. This is your chance to assess the chemistry between you, as this is one of many factors. You’ll be working together for at least a few months, so it’s very important you have a good rapport.

“This is the first of many big decisions to be made and should not be taken lightly, as it sets the stage for a smooth running project from start to finish.

The architect you are considering should seem genuinely interested in your project. You want someone who is enthusiastic, passionate about what they do and understands your vision.

When reviewing the architect’s portfolio of projects, look for both style and substance. Do you like their style? Design is very subjective and if you like what you see that’s a good indication. Have they done projects like yours before? Most architects are fairly versatile; just because they haven’t designed a Tudor home before doesn’t mean they can’t. If they’ve done numerous projects like yours, that’s preferable since they would have more experience in that particular style.

Some architects have a preference for one or two styles, otherwise known as a “signature style”. Some clients might hire an architect specifically for this reason, so make sure you understand what you’ll be getting. Otherwise, you might feel that you’re being shoehorned into a style the architect prefers rather than one you prefer.

As the architect develops the design for your house, what will they do to help you visualize the design if you’re having trouble understanding the two dimensional floor plans and elevations. Will they make models or do three-dimensional sketches?

Does the architect have the capacity to take on your project and produce work in a timely fashion?

Timeframe is also important in terms of when they can start and what timeframe they propose for your project. The process could range from a few months to a year, all depending on the scope of the project and what approvals are required. The important thing is that once you start, the process should progress as quickly as you can make decisions.

  • After the project was completed, has their view of the architect changed?
  • Would they hire the architect again or recommend to friends?
  • Was the architect responsive during both the design process and construction phase?
  • Was the architect involved during construction?
  • Were there any issues during construction and, if so, how were they resolved?
  • Was the architect involved to resolve any disputes with the builder during construction? If so, how well did they handle that?
  • Did they feel they got what they paid for?

“Select an architect willing to design in a style that works for you.”

Also talk to builders the architect has worked with, as builders are good judges of an architect’s abilities.

  • How many houses have they built with this architect? If they’ve done a number of jobs together there’s less chance for miscommunication and errors.
  • Were the construction drawings accurate, precise & detailed? The clearer the construction documents, the easier and more smoothly the job will run.
  • During construction, was the architect responsive to questions to clarify or interpret information on the drawings?
  • Was the architect involved during construction to visit the site and monitor the progress? Were they a team player?
  • How well did the architect handle client-builder disputes? If the architect resolved disputes quickly and fairly, it’s a sure sign the builder likes working with them.

Consider hiring someone only after reviewing their work portfolio, visiting their completed projects, and speaking with their previous clients.

Choosing an architect can be difficult if you’ve never worked with one before, don’t know what questions to ask, and don’t know what to look for. Use this advice to make sure you’re hiring the “A” team. Hiring a good architect is money well spent, as what they design will have a positive impact on your life for years to come!

DeMotte Architects is an architectural firm established in 1990 and based in Ridgefield CT, with extensive work throughout Fairfield County and Westchester County. They specialize in residential design with projects ranging from designing custom homes for homeowners, spec houses for developers, and additions to houses of all types.

DeMotte Architects

(203) 431-8890
IG: @demottearchitects